Make a connection attempt...

Right, so about that Kickstarter campaign?

I am not fucking around.
It starts next year (or the year after that) when the special demo is out.

Goodbye, for now.

Dear Unity community, thank you so much for everything, but I'll have to go soon. You will be missed. 💔

To John Riccitiello and other higher-up executives at Unity Technologies: 🖕 Go fuck yourselves.

Yes, Stramedia: my_MISADVENTURE will also have pronouns, because HAHAHAH fuck you, transphobe chuds.

(christ, sometimes I forget how much of a transphobic cesspool Twitter can be)

Hey there!

This is the second iteration of the official Stramedia GameJolt community in the works, so it will be awhile until it becomes more open.

For now, it sort of just serves a purpose being a group of more recent news and bite-sized posts surrounding it's ongoing development.

If that's okay with you, do be free to join!

...and uh, can I mention that the game is also on Steam? wishlist plz?

@pxldud owner
Report A community for almost 2 years